Sunday, October 31, 2010

Aaden's First Halloween

We celebrated Aaden's 1st Halloween.  He was a monkey.  We think that he hated his costume because it was fleece and it was a really hot day but he still looked adorable!  We went around and "trick or treated".  We went and saw Aaron's parents, Michael & Jenny and the kids, my Dad, Katie & Seth and Alivia, The Lovejoys, and Aunt Krissie and Uncle Danny all before ending at my Mom & Kenny's house to watch the Giants in the World Series. 

With Grandma

With Michael 

 Aaden and Alivia
 With Pappy
 With Emmy

 Aaden's pumpkin that Daddy carved for him

Saturday, October 30, 2010

2 Months Old

I totally forgot until way late to take a picture of Aaden on his 2 month birthday.  Here he is, staring at his pictures of course. ;)

Posing for Halloween Pics

Ok, I've been trying to get some Halloween pictures of Aaden and after several attempts, I got two cute ones.  I'm a really bad Mommy though, the one of him in front of the fire place was taken right before he fell over and bumped his head on one of the pumpkins!  He only cried for a second but I felt like the! 

Friday, October 29, 2010

1-2 Months (Sept 30-Oct 30)

(This is just a summary of the happenings during Aaden's 1-2 months)
Wow, the heat wave has totally started!  It is SO hot!  Talk about Indian Summer.  Aaden has a bit of a heat rash :( 
-Aaron is really great!  He has totally embraced this Dad thing and has totally impressed me, he's better than I could have ever hoped for :)  He gets up with Aaden in the middle of the night every night to change him before I feed him.  He also knows how to comfort Aaden in ways that I don't.  The only way that I feel like I can comfort Aaden right now by nursing him but obviously Aaron can't do that so he has found other ways to comfort him.  He does a lot of bouncing and rocking with him. 
-Aaden is a total piggy right now, he's growing so fast...he is already growing out of some of his newborn sized clothes.  And he totally burps while he's nursing, he doesn't even bother to pull off, it's hilarious!
-His little eyes are getting bluer and bluer everyday :)
-It looks like he may have a little strawberry birthmark on the back of his neck like I do.  Not sure though?  One birthmark that he does have is a really light brown marking on his right knee. 
-He started smiling on Oct 1st...not at anyone but he smiled at Papa and Emmy's while staring at a lamp and then again while looking at the fan
-On Oct 3rd he smiled at me!  It was the best feeling ever!  It gave me instant butterflies :)  He also smiled at Grandma a little while later.
-We discovered that Aaden has a cow's milk allergy.  He had been getting congested in the middle of the night so we took him to the doctor.  He said that most babies get congested because of allergies to cow's milk and soy.  We had to switch him to a special nonmilk, nonsoy formula which he hated!
-We had our first slumber party on Oct 8th.  We spent the night at Papa and Emmy's.  Aaden did very well but the puppies did not.  Aaron had to get up at 2am and go home with them because they just would not calm down! 
-Oct 9th was the first time we left Aaden alone with someone was with my mom.  Aaron had to take me to the doctor because I got a bad case of mastitis.  Not fun!  Aaden and Emmy both did well during their time alone.  I was so sad about getting mastitis because the doctor told me not to feed off that side and we were already having problems getting Aaden to drink his new formula.  I started crying at the doctor's office.  They put me on some heavy duty antibiotics and it gave poor Aaden some tummy troubles.
-On Oct 12th, Aaden got his first set of vaccinations.  My coworker, Angie, came to the house on her lunch break and gave them...a nice perk to working at the Health Dept!  Anyway, the shots went well and Aaden only cried for a second and then he slept most of the afternoon.  He was a little fussy the next day but not bad.
-At about 7 weeks he starting losing his hair especially on the back of his head.
-Aaden absolutely LOVES having his diaper changed!  He makes lots of smiley faces and is just so happy.  We're not sure if you like it because you like to be naked or if you really like your room or if you're just happy to get out of a wet diaper...maybe it's all 3!
-He is starting to "talk" more (cooing).  It's so sweet.  He also seems more alert, looking at things, and smiling more. 
-At 8 weeks, Aaden moved out of our bed and into his bassinet right on the side of our bed.  I couldn't turn my back on him the first night he was in there but he did great!

Friday, October 1, 2010

First San Benito County Fair

We went to the fair with Katie and Alivia today.  We went to watch the steer show and then walked around a while.  Aaden slept in the bjorn and in the stroller quite a bit.  He did really well, can't wait til next year when he'll be really into seeing the animals!  Here are some pics of Aaden and Alivia meeting McGruff!

Lively bunch... ;)