Saturday, June 14, 2014

Swimming Lessons

The kids had swimming lessons with Linda Brown for a week each. Aaden was a little scared at first but he ended up doing pretty good towards the end of the week.  He was even blowing bubbles in the bathtub to show us his progress.
Swimming with Jaya at Aunt Krissie's
Emmy took him to lessons one day and he got to get ice cream after! 
I love this picture of him 
Some videos of him swimming

Addison absolutely hated swimming lessons. She screamed and cried. One day I had to get out of the pool because she was crying so much and being disruptive. Maybe next year she'll like it better. 
Hating it
Cianna was in Sissy's class
Practicing climbing out
And jumping back
She kept he little feet crossed like that every time she was tilted back 
"Get me outta here!"
Enjoying their cookies

Friday, June 13, 2014

1st year of preschool, done!

Our big boy is done with his first year of preschool!  He has grown so, so much in these last 9 months, it's amazing.

He is so smart, we are constantly surprised by the words that come out of his mouth and the things he puts together.  He's recently been talking about girls vs boys and one day I was driving with him and Addison and he says "one day, I'm going to be a Daddy and Sissy's going to be a Mommy".  I asked if someone taught that to him and he said no.  I was kind of amazed at how he could understand that concept.

One of his phrases that he's picked up since being in preschool is, "listen to my words" or "you're not listening to my words".
He's so sweet, he tells me/us things like "you look beautiful" "I like your hair/shirt" "How was your day?" and "I love you".
He's recently become fearful of things and I'm hoping it's a typical 3-4 year old thing.  He tells us, "it's scary" when he was at swimming lessons and the roller coaster & slide at Happy Hollow, he's become afraid of the dark, and really freaked out about the smoke at the airshow.
He keeps wanting to sleep with us and one night he was pleading with us and said "I promise I won't go backwards!" (because he sleeps upside down when he sleeps in our bed). It was so cute that he thought that was the reason he couldn't sleep in the bed.

His end of the year preschool field trip was to Happy Hollow - me and Aaron were both able to go!
His whole preschool class - minus Breylan who had to leave right
 when he got there because he got sick
___, Anastasia, Aaden, Gemma, ___, ___, Ferrah, Wyatt, ___, Devin, & ___ 
Playing archeologist 
Hangin with his friends 
Riding in the police car with Wyatt 
Me and my boy on the carousel 
Slurpee tongue
His last day!
Sissy wanted a picture too