Monday, July 30, 2012

What's Up with Aaden - An Update

Here we are - on the countdown to Aaden turning 2!  I know I have been saying this over and over again but dang, time really does fly when you become a parent.  And I know I always say this too, but what a fun age!  I won't lie, it has it's challenges too but it's so fun to see how much he's learning everyday and how independent he's becoming. 

I LOVE that he's talking so much now and his enunciation gets better everyday.  Some of my favorite words he says are nope, nnooo (I like the way he says it in a sweet voice and kind of drawn out and how he tilts his head to the side a little), ehh-hot (for hot), a-shooes (shoes)banket, Guy (for Gus), doggy, pwane (plane), baf, tank you, pease, wuh-whoa (love you) and pap-stick (all of his c's are p's - pup for cup, pake for cake, etc).  He's really like a little parrot now, always repeating the last word in our sentences.  We have to be careful with what we say now!  His vocabulary has grown by leaps and bounds - I don't think I could count or list all of his words now.  He knows words that we didn't even know he knew!  We are surprised sometimes by what he knows - like he knows the number two.  Like, if he has two lovies or two of anything, he'll hold them up and say "two".  This seriously came out of nowhere - I don't think we taught it to him. 

Some of Aaden's favorite things are - playing with water "wawa", brooms "boom", playing outside, swimming, bubbles, playing with the dogs, playing with bubbles in the sink, trucks "guck", motorcycles "mo-mo", hanging with Daddy either outside or eating breakfast together in the morning, his baby (glo-worm) and Elmo "Melmo" (I think it's the cutest thing that he calls Elmo "Melmo").  He started liking Elmo out of nowhere too.  Apparently he watches Sesame Street at daycare.  Another favorite of his are books.  He loves books!  He is always saying "book" and goes and grabs one for us to read to him.  His favorite ones right now are The Noisy Farm and the recorded Elmo book from Emmy and Papa.  He still loves the Matthew Van Fleet books too.

Least Favorites
Brushing his teeth.  Hates it. 
Sitting still at restaurants.  Nope, no way, no how.
Squash.  Although we've gotten good at hiding it in food so he'll eat it now even if he doesn't know he's eating it. ;)

New and Exciting
The transition to his big boy bed.  He's done pretty well in his new room and his big boy bed.  I think he's liking his baseball room (it's pretty cute, I think).  It's so funny, we close his door all the way so that he can't get out in the middle of the night and wander the house (he hasn't figured out door knobs yet) so in the morning when he's up, he knocks on the door until we come and get him.  As soon as we open the door he claps and greets us with a big, excited smile. 

He is still not saying many two-word phrases.  The ones he does say are, "I see you" and "Here you go".  He also says "ready, set, go" when jumping in the pool with Papa.  But other than that, if we ask him to repeat a two-word phrase, he usually won't.  Another challenge we are facing are tantrums.  For the most part he is a very sweet and cooperative boy but he's starting to find his independence and with that comes a little stubborness and defiance.  And if he doesn't get his way sometimes he has a bit of a melt-down.  Aaron and I have learned just to ignore tantrums (even though it's hard for me!).  We've also been starting time-outs if he's just straight-up not listening.  They are working well so far and he's only had to have a few. 

With the independence - he's becoming quite bossy. ;) He wants to "go" all the time.  He can tell when we're getting ready to go somewhere and so he'll walk around the house whining "go, go, go".  If he wants us outside with him, he'll stand outside and look at one of us and say "out" while pointing to the ground.  But also likes to do things on his own now, so if we come to help him, he'll push us away and say "go".  Or if you're doing something he doesn't like, he'll run over and say "no! no, no, no".  Stinker.  And I taught him "excuse me" the other day - so he would push me out of the way and say "'cuse me". 

Things to Come -
Turning two!  If you ask him how old he's going to be, he'll say "two" and hold up his pointer finger and his thumb.  It's too cute.  We'll be having a splish splash birthday party for him, I think he'll love it!
Getting rid of the paci!  I'm not looking forward to that but it needs to be done.  And potty training.  We are not really close with it but we sit him on his little potty in the bathroom often.  Aaron has also been letting him run around without a diaper on and will ask him often if he has to go potty.  I don't know if he knows yet what it feels like to need to go but we're starting to go through the motions and at least get him thinking about it. 

Big Brother
Aaden has become obsessed with babies.  He loves them.  He sees them everywhere and points them out.  He knows I have a baby in my tummy and we'll ask him "where's mommy's baby?" and he'll point to my belly or try to lift my shirt.  Sometimes he kisses my belly.  Now I'm not sure if he can exactly correlate that the baby in my tummy is going to be a real baby that's living with us someday.  He'll find out soon enough!

It was so cute, the other day we asked him if he could say "sister" and he said, "Sissy!". 

One day I was asking him about becoming a big brother - "Aaden, are you going to be a big brother?" and he giggles, "Are you going to play with your sister?" and he giggles, "Are you going to love your baby sister?" he giggles, then I ask, "are you going to share with your sister?" and he promptly shakes his head NO!  Hahaha!

Some recent pictures of my little man ~
Testing things out for his baby sister

My poor guy with pink eye

At Kaylie & Ashlie's Grad Party
At the rodeo
Aaden and Alivia playing with play-do
Aaden and his cousin, Chase
Aaden with his cousins, Emery and Ellie
 At the Oakland Zoo
Dinner date with Livie
 Swimming with Papa
 Loving his little pool in our yard
  His first bubble bath
 Quite the bad-ass on Alivia's bike
 Wearing Aaron's bike helmet, he walks in saying "My HAT!"

Monday, July 23, 2012

Big Boy Bed

Tonight was Aaden's first night in his big boy bed.  In his brand new room. 

He was in the room with us all day yesterday while we were working on it and he kept crawling on the bed and pretending to go "nigh nigh".  He seemed excited about it.  But then later we asked him, "do you want to sleep in your new bed?" and he shook his head no.  We decided to wait until today anyway so that Aaron could finish strapping the furniture to the walls this morning.

Earlier this evening, Aaden went into his old room and was looking and pointing around and I told him that it was going to be the baby's room. I told him that he had a brand new big boy room and that all of his toys were in there.  I showed him where all of his toys were and he really seems ok with the new room so far.  We asked him of few times throughout the evening if he wanted to sleep in his big boy bed tonight and he kept giving us his excited face - so he seemed like he was open to the idea.  So bedtime rolls around - I was having some serious anxiety about it all.  I'm not sure why?  I definitely stalled putting him to bed because of how nervous I was.  We put him in around 930 and he stood up and started crying at first but we hugged him and told him we loved him and layed him back down.  We turned his "baby" on (his glow worm) and turned the little projector on and he settled quickly.  He didn't really make a peep after that.

I snuck in around 1030 and turned the projector off and snapped a quick photo.  I can't believe it - he's fast asleep!  Hopefully he sleeps through the night in there and hopefully the rest of the evenings continue to go well!  I'm so proud of my baby boy!  This is so very bittersweet.

 Update - he slept in his bed the first night until 4am when he came walking into our room and said, "Dada!" and seemed to be in a very chipper mood.  The second night - he seemed ok going down but got up quickly after and came out to the living room.  He fell asleep on Aaron's lap and then we put him back in his bed.  He got up at 2am and Aaron tried to go in to lay with him but Aaden was having none of it.  So he came and slept in our bed.  Last night - Aaron slept in there with him all night and they both slept until 7am.  I hope he gets more and more used to it every night but so far it's a bit of a struggle.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July

We spent the afternoon and evening at my Mom's with my family.  It was not a super warm day but Aaden got in the pool for a little bit anyway.  We waited a while for fireworks to start, in the meantime, we did our own.  Wow, what a let down from the fireworks we had when we were kids.  But Aaden enjoyed them for the most part.  At 930 the big fireworks started at Maze School.  We were able to see them from the corner of my mom's block.  Aaden really liked those ones!  He kept saying "boom" and "light" and "oooh".  Aaden's favorite part of the night though - the little girl about his age that was there watching the fireworks show too.  They kept pointing at each other and saying "Baby" - it was pretty funny and cute!

Hangin out in Emmy and Papa's backyard
A not so great pic with Mommy -
we'll strive for a better one next year!
All bundled up watching the fireworks with Aunt Kerry