Monday, May 27, 2013

Air Show 2013

Aaden loved the Air Show much more this year!  Last year the planes were too loud for him but he really enjoyed it this time.  Addison - pretty indifferent.  I'm sure she'll like it next year.

So cool walking with his friends (Eli & Claire) 
Me and my boy 
He had to wear Aaron's sunglasses - it was so windy that the dust was bothering his eyes 
She's having a blast, can't you tell? 
Attempting a picture with my kiddos 
Fun to watch 
Daddy and his boy
Watching from the front row (that's me and Cheryl off to the right)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

We spent Mother's Day at Aunt Krissie's - Gam has been staying there recouperating after her diverticulitis so it was nice to be able to spend the day with her and the aunts and cousins.  All the grandkids and great grandkids were there.  Including brand new Baby Kaitlynn! She's so teeny tiny!

My big ol' moose of a baby meeting Kaitlynn
Addison loved her
And wanted to eat her! LOL
Uncle Danny was sweet and took Addison in the pool for the first time!
She was a little unsure about it
Perfect Mother's Day with family and even friends. 
Love this girl!

7 Months

7 Months!
Seven months old on Mommy's 31st birthday!
Our little girl is really coming into her own - she's starting to express her anger and can be quite feisty.  She gets upset and flaps her little arms. She does it when she's excited too.  For the most part she's really easy going but definitely has a little fiery side too.  My mom and aunt say she reminds them of me when I was little.  So yeah, easy going with a little feistiness sounds about right.  From her smiling face, squawking, arm flapping, and sticking out her tongue - she's quite a riot.  She's babbling more lately - saying 'mamamamama' and 'bababababa' but I think it's just babbling.  Not really intentional 'words'.
She's still sleeping in her bassinet in our room - I just haven't been in a hurry to move her.  We also just finally fed her real food - again, haven't been in a hurry.  Maybe because I see how fast it all went by with Aaden that I'm taking it slowly with her?  Or maybe because she's such an easy baby that I don't feel the need to change things in a hurry?  Don't fix it if it's not broke, right? 
She loves playing with tags - she finds tags on anything and starts playing with them and putting them in her mouth.  She also looves taking her paci in and out of her mouth.  She's been taking it out for a long time but now she's perfected getting it back in.  We've noticed a little callous on her right thumb and we're wondering if she's sucking her thumb without us noticing?  We'll see.  She is really enjoying sitting up and playing - such a fun stage!  She loves bright colors - at her 6 month photo shoot she kept getting distracted by her colorful outfits, especially her leggings.  It was hilarious, she just kept staring down at them and then when she'd finally look up she'd be annoyed because we were interrupting her! LOL.  She's such a joy!

Holding her bottle on her own like a big girl!
Her first time eating real food - avocado. She HATED it!
This one cracks me up!
She looks so mad
This one is classic too
Not impressed, Mom
She's so disappointed
Love these ones of her - she's such a ham!
Attemping to take her headband off.  
Um, it's not going to come off that way!
I love this picture because it reminds me of a new face that Aaden's been making
Lovin' bath time!