Sunday, January 30, 2011

5 Months!

Aaden turned 5 months old today!  This was a super exciting milestone for us because he got to start solid foods today!  His pediatrician recommended starting him on yellow/orange veggies at 5 months and then cereals at 6 months.  So today he tried sweet potatoes.  He wasn't too sure of them at first but then he started to get into it.  It was very messy to say the least!  I think his favorite part was putting his bib in his mouth after each bite.
"What am I supposed to be doing?? I'm freaked!"

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Month 4-5

Time is flying by! 
  • Aaden just loves his Papa, he can make him laugh and smile
  • Aaden started daycare on Jan 3rd.  I'm so proud of him because he is adjusting so well.  He's doing really great there and I'm so happy about it.
  • He rolled over for the first time on Jan 5th!  From belly to back.  Aaron, my Mom, Christopher and I were all there to witness it.  He rolled and then we were all excited (except Christopher because he didn't know it was a big milestone) but Aaden just looked up and had this expression like, "What?  What's the big deal? That was super easy"
  • Aaden had his 4 month check up on Jan 14th, he weighed 16lbs and was 24"  long.  His HC was 40cm
  • Aaden has started going through the "4-month wakeful period".  He will go to sleep and 15 minutes later will wake up screaming crying for no reason.  And the only thing he wants is for me to hold him and rock him.  He'll do this a few times before he finally goes down for the night.  I hope it doesn't last long.
  • He is starting to squeal now and is making new noises all the time.  He is definitely finding his voice.  It's so much more fun than all the grunting!
  • He absolutely loves his jumperoo, he even tried to jump/bounce when you hold him standing up and rocks when you hold him on your lap.  He even tries to jump while he's in his exersaucer
  • On Jan 22nd he slept in his crib for the first night...(that was the only time though, I wasn't ready for the transition)
  • Loves taking his paci out and trying to put it back in...he's pretty much obsessed with doing this. He does it all.the.time.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Aaden's New Toy

Aaden is a very active boy.  He got a jumperoo from Emmy for Christmas and he loves it!  He jumps like crazy in it!  It wears him out sometimes and he's actually fallen asleep in it a few times!

2/15/11 ETA: Since Aaden has gotten this, he jumps and rocks all the time now!  When he's standing on your lap he'll start trying to jump/bounce.  And when he's sitting on your lap he rocks back and forth.  It's so funny! I think this toy has really helped him develop his core strength because he sits up so well now!