Friday, August 31, 2012

Aaden is TWO!

How is my Little Bubby two already?  We love him sooo much - more than words can say.  I just look at him and I beam and my heart is overfilled with love for him.  He makes us so happy. 

He is full into toddlerhood now it seems.  Very active and busy and trying his hardest to get his own way.  He definitely tests the limits but overall he is a good boy and he listens pretty well ~ most of the time.  We have had to start using timeouts here and there for tantrums and so far they have been useful in getting him away from the situation that is upsetting him and kind of "resetting" him.  We love listening to him talk - he picks up new stuff all the time.  Right now we think it's so cute that instead of saying "yes" in response to a question like, "do you want some breakfast?" he answers with a long, drawn out "kaay".  Every.single.time.  It's too funny.  Speaking of breakfast - we think he's going through a growth spurt, he wakes up and the first thing out of his mouth is "EAT".  Ok, mister!  He's also been requesting a ton of milk.  Right now, he's 30lbs and about 33".  Just right in weight, a little short in height.  

Current things he loves
Balls - of course. Does this ever change with little boys?
Pools/Water/Sprinklers/Baths ('baf ')
New interest is Thomas the Train or "Mom-as" He LOVES the song ♪♫They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight♪♫ Aaron and I have learned the song in a very short time
Trucks and tractors - he loves seeing them everyday on the way to daycare where they are building the new courthouse
Garbage trucks - OH! The highlight of his week if he gets to see the garbage truck in action!
Mo-mo - either motorcycles or lawnmowers
Sweeping - he loves 'booms'
Music - any kind really. The funniest one is the gospel music that he hears on the Carmel Valley Mission commercial - he stops dead in his tracks to watch it whenever the commercial comes on. Silly boy!

So - Aaden's birthday lands during a busy time of year - because it's right around Labor Day.  We had his birthday party with family and close friends the weekend before his actual birthday and what a fun day!  We had a Splish Splash Party - complete with kiddie pools, water tables, squirt guns, and a wiggly sprinkler.  We also had a ball pit and a sandbox.  All the kids had fun to say the least!  Aaden especially!
The dessert table

Aaden and Livie playing in Aaden's new water table
 His new sandbox - he LOVES it!  We could hardly get him out of it all day!
Aaden and Claire in the pool
Aaden and Alivia playing in the sandbox
Aaden and Mommy eating lunch
Mommy, Aaden & Emmy
Auntie Kate, Uncle Brother, Daddy & Mommy
Getting ready for his cupcake
He absolultely loved everyone singing Happy Birthday to him -
He just looked around in awe

Diving in
Loving it!

Love this face!
 Such a ham!

 Jumpin in the pool right after to clean off
Kiddos in the pool
These suckers hold a TON of water!
Opening presents - he didn't want to get out of the sandbox at first so we had to open gifts right in front of it.
Batman rain boots from Gam!
Trying them on
Truck book!
Go Giants!!
He was so funny, as soon as we'd unwrap a gift, he'd immediately say "help" meaning he wanted out of the packaging so he could play with it!
Driving his car over Mommy
Baseball glove from the Lovejoys.  Holding it up and saying "tank you"

Tired Bubby
Tired Mommy, too!
 One last gift - a bike from Emmy and Papa!
Checkin out the bell
Going for a ride
On his actual birthday, which was a Thursday and the night before we were leaving for Capitola, we just decided to have Emmy and Pappy over and we walked to McDonald's for dinner.  Yes, I totally took my kid to McDonald's for his brithday.  But whatever, he had fun and it was a treat for him.  We came home and opened presents.
Waking up on his 2nd Birthday!
Good morning, Birthday Boy!
Opening presents
Koala Bear from Aunt Lee
A few gifts from Emmy and Papa
Thomas the Train set!
Dinner at McDonald's
Opening a couple more gifts after dinner
New shoes from Mommy and Daddy
Putting his boots on again
He loves them!
Trying on the whole outfit!  Thanks again, Gam!
The day after his birthday, we turned his carseat around.  He LOVES forward facing!  He had so much fun on his first ride - he was pointing everything out and giggling the whole time.