Monday, August 18, 2014

1st Day Preschool - 2nd year!

Look how much he's grown in a year!! 
(2013 on the left, 2014 on the right)
Love my little school boy! ♥
Fake smile
Cute Boy

Friday, August 8, 2014

Lake Tahoe 2014

We went with the Griffins to Tahoe for a week - a nice little getaway despite the weather not being so great. It was so fun hanging out with Alec and Nicole after sooo long! We stayed in the same place that we did a few years ago which is so awesome for the kids and it's so comfortable. The hotel/resort has a pool, hot tub, workout room, rec room, a great little playground and is about a 1/2 mile walk to the lake. 

Addison's little air circulation that I rigged up
Our first view of the lake 
The little playground right behind our condo. The very first day
Aaden fell off the monkey bars and hit the back of his head on the platform below and gave himself a mild concussion.  He was dizzy, nauseous and had a headache. Poor guy, I was so scared and felt so bad for him. But after some Motrin he was feeling back to himself. Thank God!
First trip to the beach - the kids had a ball! 
My little blondie 
Too cool for school 
Aaden had so much fun out in the water with Aaron - he was so proud of himself!
My first gel pedicure
Walking back to our condo
Aaron was running with the kids in the stroller and they were loving it! 
So much fun!  
This little pool is great, it was only about 2 ft deep - perfect for the kids!
My cutie, love her little pink flamingo bathing suit
Aaden had so much fun swimming! 
Swimming lessons and swimming with Net really paid off!
Addison getting her toes painted for the first time. 
She was so into it, it was adorable! My little girly-girl 
Cute little piggies 
Getting her fingernails done 
My manicure from Nicole
Hiking the hill behind our condo, "Round Hill"
Uncle and Aaden's serious faces
Me and Addison hung back at the condo during the hike
Someone claiming Mommy's hat and Grandma's jewelry as her own
Snuck off for a rum runner
Auntie and Aaden baking 
He loves helping in the kitchen
Auntie and Sissy coloring
Showing off her drawing 
Sleepy heads 
Digging a hole with Auntie 
Cool hat 
Pointing at the ducks 
Serious about eating 
Feeding the ducks 
Nicole and her old man drink 
Drinks and appetizers before heading to Harvey's 
Improv night 
My first ever! 
What's in my pant leg?
Oh, just some underwear! LOL 
Me and Sista 
Had a blast watching these guys 
My second manicure by Nicole 
Beautiful little valley on our way to another beach on our last day 
She looks so cute in her bathing suits 
Watchu lookin at?  

Copying Grandma 
Sweet hair 
Fun in the water with Daddy 
Working on a hole
My shovel! 
Loves that paci! 
Love this picture of Sissy and Daddy
Griffins kayaking 
Working on the hole again
Look what we built!
This picture is just too much - I was asking her to do her surprise face and right then, Aaron threw a bucket full of water behind her and it looks like she's getting hit with the water. Priceless timing.  
I actually entered it in the fair. 
More surprise face 
Having a blast as the water fills the hole 
My little lovie, pure happiness 
Stealing Auntie's chips
Really digging in deep 
Group photo before leaving the beach. We left just in time, it got cold and rainy!
Addison's favorite little hiding spot all week, under our bathroom cabinet