Friday, September 13, 2013

11 Months

~11 Months~

Only one month left until our baby is 1! 

New and exciting stuff ~
-She cut her first tooth on 8/30 (brother's birthday!). The second one followed about a week later
-She is doing really well at her new daycare.  She loves Cynthia and so do we!
-She claps and plays peak-a-boo 
-She says "uh-oh", "oh wow", "mama", "yeah"
-She talks a lot and yells a lot. She's really a loud little thing
-She eats just about everything we put in front of her. Except she still doesn't like avocados
-She loves her brother, playing outside, baths & being tickled
-She had her first trip to the beach on Bubby's birthday and ate a ton of sand
-She is starting to stand on her own. No steps yet though
Sushi dinner - yeah, that took a while to clean up!

Kids' last day at Louise's 
(pictured here with May and Jack) 
Grumpy Grumperson 
Bath time! 
Sand. Apparently babies think it's a delicacy
Did not like the water! 
Sand covered pizza crust 
I mustache you a question 
In need of a waxing 
Like Emmy, like Granddaughter 
Uncle Brother and Addie 
Sleepy head 
Have to admit, I think she's cute even when she cries 
11 months!  These pictures are getting hard to take! 
2nd attempt 
I had to hide the sticker behind her because she kept pulling it off!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Capitola - Labor Day Weekend

Fun with mustaches
Hangin' out on our balcony 
View of the trestle 
This dog loved swimming behind his owner's paddle boat
Seems tiring though! 
Playing poker 
We sent this picture to Gam because we missed her this year
Quiet morning with the kids
Trestle is packed with people to watch the Begonia Festival 
Crazy people!
Festivities on the river
Begonia floats! 
Cheryl and Sissy
Another view of Capitola - from the end of the pier
Claire checkin' out the water under us 
Checkin' out the fish
Among other things ;) 
Someone is extremely tired! 
Me and Cheryl 
Sally (Nick's Mom) and Addison 
Baby Whisperer
Jaya and Jenny 
Aaden & Uncle Pedi 
Our little sleepy head
Wallers Jr 
Claire looking at the water again 
She got Aaden intrigued 
Aunt Krissie and Cheryl laughing at Chase 
Nick and Claire
Eli, Nick & Claire
Chase & Aaden holding hands
Eli's turn on Nick's shoulders
Jenny & Mike 
Emmy & Aaden
Aaden and Emmy on the beach on our last day