Monday, February 25, 2013

Dad's Benefit

The people at Daisy's Saloon in San Juan Bautista were so gracious and put on a wonderful fundraiser for my dad.  We were overwhelmed with the outpouring of love and support.  It was an amazing day and we are so, so thankful for everyone who came out to show their love.
BBQing chicken
Some of the many donated raffle prizes
Bronco Dave and Dad
Dad and Dave Natale (Dad's former boss at Natco)
Lori Ghiorzi and Dad
CP - the woman behind it all!
Purple balloons tied to the bar stools.  
Cool sight when we walked into the bar
Bake sale out front. The baked goods alone brought in $400!
Shelley Bettencourt organized and put on the bake sale.
Sis and Aaron
Cory coming in sporting his purple in a way that only Cory would
Great turn out!
Bette, Mom & Vicki
Dad raffling off some prizes.  
Just like he's done during many Monday Night Football games at Daisy's
Cool gift donated by Red Dog 
Ross and Dad 
Ross, Dad & Bette 
Dad and Steve
Jere, Dad, Danny Perez 
Fred Pagaran, Dad & Jeanne Glass 
Jere and Dad 
Paul LaCorte 
Amy Bermudes 
Dancing to 'My Girl' with Dad- pretty emotional! 

I think we had the whole bar crying 
Brigid and Dad 
Bert, Dad & Christopher 
Tim Stankovich and Dad
Me and Lainy 
Dad and Scott Holthouse 
Dad and Holthouses 
Dad and his kids 
Christopher and Dad 
Christopher, Dad & Ev 
Liz, Dad & Ev 
Aaron of Aaron and the Second Wind Band 
Paul rippin' it up! 
Random photos taken from the stage 
Dad and Jeanette LaCorte- she did SOO much for the event -
we are so appreciative! 
Dad and the LaCortes 
Bert, Drew & yeah, Cory 
Dad and Jeannine Portuer 
Dad saying thanks to everyone for their support 
Meghan VonUrff singing 'Bobby Magee' 
Amy, Dad & Jared -
love them! 
Thank you, CP, so very much! 
The event was a huge success.  Everyone had fun, especially my Dad.  From the bottom of our hearts, we are truly thankful. ♥