Saturday, December 28, 2013

Fahy Christmas 2013

The first without Dad. We missed him so much. But everyone did an awesome job stepping up to make it a great family gathering. I had a few little moments of breakdowns, one where I had to go out by Tug (Dad's camper that's parked at Sheltons) and just have a good cry. Christopher wasn't there this year because he had a trip planned before the date was set. It was hard without him there too.  But we all had fun. Some tears and lots of laughs.

BooBoo decided to do a "Christmas in Paradise" (Jimmy Buffet) theme this year to make it cheerful. 
Hence the bright colors and leis
I organized a gift exchange for the little kids with the help of Drew. 
Aaden got tractors from Will
Sissy got princess dolls from Elliote
The start of the annual Bump game
Matt took the lead in running the game this year which Dad always did.
Matt did an awesome job filling his shoes. He made it fun and upbeat.
He even added 'mulligans' this year, where you could share a random fact or joke
to get an extra bump out of the gift. Made for a long but funny game!
Pauly - King of Dorkdum - first to open a bump gift 
Sees sucker
Erika went for the Tiffany's box
Tom's turn 
My sleepy, dirty boy 
Nicole and Ellie
Sleepy girl and handsome husband
And yes, that's a towel she's cuddled up with!
Mommy fail: Aaden burned his arm on my hair straightener earlier that morning
BooBoo got an awesome Giants hat!
She was saying she was going to send it to Sean
Robert getting kicked out of the bump game. 
Can't remember why!
Sir Douglas
Joey got the lotto tickets and giftcard we put in and decided to eat the apple we had put in as a weight
Sam bumped the lotto tickets
And the apple too!
Then Drew did!
Joey opened another gift that had an apple corer in it and yes, another apple! LOL
Tom and Sissy
Skyping with Seany in Australia
Still Skyping
Not sure why the phone was on the floor? Maybe because he was down under?
Trevor showing Seany his butt tattoo
Bye Seany! 
My beautiful cousin Liz and me 
I'm a little tired! 
Mikayla, BooBoo, Me, Addison & Brigid
Added a few more to the photo
And a few more 
Aww! Cute couple!
My pretty girl
Joey, Ev & Trevor with their Fahy family crest tattoos. 
Cousins posing for a picture
Aaden, Ellie, Addison & Emery
Not always easy to get a good one but they're all cute anyway!
Sissy loved the fiber optics tree!