Saturday, April 30, 2011

8 Months!!

8 months sounds so old!!  It's going by soo fast!
Here are some new pics I took on his 8 month "birthday"  (With the next baby (whenever that will be), I'm going to try to do these blocks every month or do the month stickers that you can put on the baby's onesies.  I wish I would have been more consistent with Aaden's month pics, but at least I got them!)

(He has tears running down his face in these pics because Papa
sat him down on one of the wooden blocks) :(

A quick rundown of the happenings at 8 months:
  • He can pull himself up in crib.  Actually he just started doing this today and he was pretty darn proud of himself!   He loves being able to pull himself up when people put their hands out for him.  This makes him sooo proud too.  He wrinkles his nose up and flashes a big huge grin and sometimes does quick little sniffing noises too.  It's the cutest thing in the world!
  • He shakes his head "no" all the time.  I don't think he knows what it means but it's pretty funny.  I ask him things like, "Can Mommy have a kiss?"  and he shakes his head.  Little sh!t!  ;)  I also have a video of him where he farts and then I ask him, "Aaden, did you fart?" and he shakes his head no.  It's hilarious!
  • His balance is getting a little better but if we have him standing and let go and he starts to fall, he FREAKS out and starts crying.  Poor buddy!
  • He is SOOO close to crawling.  Now he is rolling everywhere!
  • No teeth, still! 
  • He says "ah-ba" all the time.  We're not sure what it means?  Maybe baba?  Maybe it means nothing?
  • He just starting getting separation anxiety (espeically with me).  He wants to be held all the time and has been really clingy.
  • He loves stroller rides. 
  • He is fully weaned now - and actually weaned himself toward the end.  It was a little sad but I think it made the whole process easier on both of us.  He eats two solid meals a day.  Mostly stage 2 organic purees still but he's getting better at finger foods.  He likes puffs and yogurt melts.  He is practicing his pincer grasp with his finger and thumb and he gets really proud of himself and excited when he actually gets a puff in his mouth.  He gets little bites of our food too as long as it's appropriate.  He wants everything we are having.  He always stares at you when you are eating and has a look on his face like, "you gonna share some of that?"  He likes scrambled eggs and loves pasta!  He still gags on things so I have been a little slow to introduce him to more table foods because I'm a little freaked.  He is pretty good with the sippy cup.  Usually if we give it to him while he's eating, he'll take a bite of food and then immediately take a sip of water, over and over again.  It makes for a messy mealtime because water and food go all down his chest but it's hilarious.  Where did he learn to do this??
  • He weighs about 20 pounds and is wearing 9-12 month clothing.  He is still in size 3 diapers. 
  • He LOVES his Papa, he is always so interested in what he's doing or eating.  He can stare at Kenny forever and he always laughs at him.  We were joking yesterday that Aaden is going to be Kenny's little tag-a-long when he's a little older.
  • He likes playing peek-a-boo and also starting to play patty cake.
  • He loves other babies - he gets really excited and happy to see other babies and of course loves the adorable one in the mirror. (Just recently we were watching a video of him on the tv and he absolutely loved it)
  • Here are some of Aaden's favorite toys -
Seriously, he loves this brush of his.  It makes him happy every time we give
 it to him when he's fussing on his changing table
    And lately, he's been obsessed with men's watches
    - just the sport type ones
    And he loves the remotes
    And apparently my cell phone is the bees knees
    He has drooled on it so much that there is some discoloration in the screen.  Oops!
    -And I swear we buy him toys and he has tons of stuff to play with but these things are his absolute favorite.  I tried to buy him a toy cell phone - nope didn't cut it.

1 comment:

  1. OMGoodness, I love the 8 month pictures with the blocks. So cute!
