Saturday, March 23, 2013

2 1/2

My first born baby has turned into a little boy right before our eyes.  Sometimes Aaron and I will look at him while he's sleeping and we just can't believe how big he's gotten.  How 2+ years goes by so quickly and how much he's grown and changed.

He's so entertaining.  Still quite the busy boy but so fun now that he's talking non-stop.  And he really is talking non-stop, he's constantly asking  "what's this?" "what's that?" "what's this do?" "what happen?" "what you doing?". If he does something and we laugh, he asks with a giggle "what happen?" even though he knows exactly why we're laughing.  He'll often ask the same question over and over again - and after answering a few times we end up just asking him the same question back to him.  And of course the "why?" has started.  But now sometimes he'll answer himself, he'll say, "why? 'Cause." LOL.  Guess we've given him the "because" answer a few times too many.  His ever expanding vocabulary also means he's repeating a lot - and repeating some things that he shouldn't.  We have to be careful what we say or we're going to get ourselves into trouble!  He enunciates very well, I can understand most of everything he says.  He's a good conversationalist - he'll say "uh-huh" "yeah", etc when you're telling a story.  And I love the way he excitedly says "YEAH" when he's telling us a story and we ask something like "oh really?"  It's too cute.

He's becoming very independent.  He says "my do it" or "mine do it".  He sometimes kicks us out when he's going to the bathroom "leave, Mommy" "go away, Mommy".   He's starting to sing (sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and ABCs and also sings along to songs) and count (he can count to 10 with prompting).  His favorite color is orange. We think this is his favorite color because his "color" at daycare is orange.  Anytime we ask him what color something is, his answer is orange.

He wants to grow up strong and be a fireman.  This is how we get him to eat dinner - sometimes getting him to eat his dinner is like pulling teeth.  He also says he wants to be a baseball player - he's actually really good at throwing and catching.  He's hitting a ball off a tee pretty well too.  He likes watching the Giants with Mommy and Daddy too - when someone is up to bat he'll say, "I like that guy" Haha.

He loves "cooking" (helping in the kitchen) & playing in the sink.  He loves playing outside and playing in his sandbox  He loves "fighting" with Daddy - I often have to put a stop to it at 9pm and tell them both to settle down. ;)  He is obsessed with Shrek. We watch it almost every night and he knows the movie by heart.  He also likes playing on the iPad but thankfully his love for playing outside and being active still wins out. And just like any little boy, he loves tractors, trucks, 'hairplanes', 'batban' & balls.  He knows a ton of animal sounds.  He seems to love animals -he likes to look at them and talk about them but he's afraid of them if they're up close.  He'll hide behind me or Aaron if they get too close.  And he definitely doesn't like cats still.

Just recently I've started noticing his little imagination starting to come out - he's starting to 'read' to himself and pretend more.  Just the other day he was pretending to give me presents.  What a sweet boy!

He is so good around other kids.  He's usually the sensitive one - definitely not the bully.  He is usually pretty good with sharing too.  Although he's had a few run ins at daycare.  And sometimes with Alivia.  But for the most part, he is really well behaved.

His favorite foods are rice, pasta, ice cream, berries & cream.  Loves his carbs like his Mommy and sweets like his Daddy.  We try really hard to get him to eat a fairly balanced diet though (but like I said, it's not always easy).  And he seems to be growing just fine - at his 2 1/2 year appointment he was 35lbs and 36" tall.  He is about 90th percentile for weight and 40th for height.  He wears 3T in shirts and 2T in pants and a size 7 in shoes.

Love this little boy and am excited to watch him grow even more!

See what I mean about the independence ;)
Here he is with a nice scratch from fighting with Jack at daycare.  
Apparently they were fighting over a toy and Jack hit Aaden in the face with it.

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