Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Addison turns 2!

This little girl! She's something fierce. And we love her something fierce! Can't believe it's been 2 years already since Addison Reese came into our lives.

She is such a monkey - she will find anything to hang off of - her high chair, stroller, photo board, etc. I also caught her on top of Aaden's dresser recently

She loves "surprise face" and "sleepy face". My mom is always teaching her new expressions

She loves bath time. Climbs in the bath and tries to take her clothes off. 

She gets excited about certain foods. When we are getting them for her she jumps up and down and says "yay, yay, yay!" (Probably gets that from me)

She's really talking a lot - says "I want" but mostly mumbles it and then follows it with down, up, out, bath, wa-wa etc. Bubba, choo choo, doggy, Mommy, Daddy, Emmy, Papa, Eea (Cynthia), Tessa, baby, nigh nigh, pumpkin, ball, She says "I help you" when she wants help instead of  "can you help me".  She's also starting to really put sentences together (where papa? He nigh nigh).  Makes sounds of monkey, dog, duck, cow (she always throws her head back and really exaggerates the 'moo')

The cutest thing lately - when we ask her what she is going to be for Halloween she replies with "two" because Cynthia has been teaching her that she'll BE two on her birthday.  

She loves brushing her teeth. She'll run in the bathroom and say "Iwanna teeth" or something close to that. She has 4 molars, 4 top teeth and 3 bottom teeth.

Screams. Loudly. Much more than Aaden ever did! She is very opinionated and determined and independent. We ask her for a kiss or a hug and she shakes her head and say "uh uh"

Trying to potty train, is obsessed with taking her pants and diaper down and waddling to the bathroom

Loves Frozen - she rolls her hands and sings "Let It Go" whenever she sees Elsa or anything Frozen related. She'll also point to the TV and sing "Let It Go" if she wants to watch the movie.

Loves babies. And dolls and brushing their hair. And brushing Mommy's hair. Probably because she doesn't have any herself. Except for two long ducktails behind each ear. 

She loves reading books and is obsessed with coloring/writing/drawing. She draws all over everything. Including herself. Trying to get her to keep it on paper is not always easy.

Katie took these pictures for us and I love them so much!
She was such a ham!
She got a hold of a permanent marker! Yes, permanent. 
Just a few days before her party!
Her party was at Emmy & Papa's and it turned out so cute.
We just did a pumpkin/fall theme.
We had a pumpkin patch where the kids could pick out a pumpkin to decorate
Corn hole was a hit with the adults
Apples never actually made it into the bucket. Oh well
My sweet birthday girl
Sissy and Cynthia - Addison adores her!
Addison and her friend, Tessa (Cynthia's granddaughter)
They're too cute together. 
Aaden, Eli & Molly painting pumpkins
I loved her little dress so much! Although when it came in it was HUGE on her -
luckily Grandma was able to fix it
Piñata time!
Addison wasn't really sure what to do
Cianna giving Addison a kiss for her effort ;)
Gavan's turn
And Cianna's
Addison and Gavan were too cute just holding hands and watching
Molly's turn
Now for the big kids - they know how to work a piñata
Jack (not into it, at all)
That sucker wouldn't break so Aunt Kerry had to intervene
Auntie Jenny helping Addison get some candy
Sissy and her loot
This picture is too precious of Addison and Cianna
Cake time!
Auntie Kate bought this cake in SF. We made it festive by adding the candy corn
Cupcakes that I made to look like pumpkins
Me and my Sissy Monster
Lighting her candle
Enjoying people sing Happy Birthday
Totally normal....
Make a wish, Sis!
Eating with a spoon - she's civilized, after all.
Her cuteness! ♥
Cianna & Sissy goofin around
Emmy is so cool with her tattoo

Gift table - lots of gifts for our sweet girl
Time to open presents!
This little karoake machine from Emmy & Papa was a hit
"Let it Go"
Anything Frozen = Love
More karaoke

Her piano was a hit too!
Gavan getting a little possesive over the piano, LOL
Addison's expression! "Hey, back off my piano!"
Enjoying the piano by herself
An all-time favorite picture of Addison
So fun having everyone sit around the haybales while opening presents
Colton & Addison
Fun tunnel from Auntie and Uncle
Just cleaning up a little...
Big kids on the swing
Too cool for school
Playing 'Heads Up' - a new family favorite
Painting pumpkins with Cheryl
Such a fun party, and Mommy only had one meltdown! Otherwise, it went off without a hitch!
The next day, Addison got to open her big present from Emmy & Papa
"Beep, beep, Murphy!"
Addison's ACTUAL 2nd Birthday! 
We turned her carseat to forward-facing
She was pretty stoked
 We went to the park for a little while and then to Running Rooster for dinner
Swinging with Daddy
Having fun!
Birthday Queen
Ice cream time!
She was nice enough to share with Aaden
Aaden being a good
Opening a couple last presents

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