Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bumpie GTG!!

I have been an active member of an online forum with a group of moms that have babies that were born around the same time as Aaden.  It has been fun connecting with moms that have babies the same age as mine.  We share ups and downs and milestones and funny stories and get and give advice to each other.  I had the chance to meet some of the moms in person when we arranged a Northern California Get Together (GTG).  Aaden and I went to Walnut Creek and met with 4 other moms and babies at the Cheesecake Factory.  It was a lot of fun!  It was so great to finally meet some of the ladies that I have felt like I've "known" for the last 7 or 8 months.

Here's our group at Cheesecake Factory.  I'm really sad that there is a horrible glare over my face but oh well!  From Left to Right:  Me with Aaden, Elisha with Michal, Ariana with Tanith, Amanda with Hailey, and Monica with Maddie

 Aaden and I weren't ready to go home yet so we took Monica's offer up to go hang out at her place
Here's Maddie and Aaden in the little kiddie pool.  Too bad Maddie has her eyes closed, this would have been a great pic!
 Aaden went to lay down and have a bottle inside but then decided he was missing out on too much fun and wanted to play with Maddie through the slider
 Now they're both inside
 Maddie trying to steal Aaden's pacifier.  I accidentally left one up there and Monica sent me a picture of Maddie playing with it!
 The kiddos having fun

We stayed a lot later than we expected but it was so much fun!  I can't wait for our next GTG!  Thanks Monica, Aaron and Maddie for your hospitality!

1 comment:

  1. What great pictures!! Poor Maddie. It looks like she's getting sprayed in the face.
