Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Thankful (warning: sad)

I have been reading a blog about a family that just learned a month ago that their 8 month old son had a brain tumor.  It was very aggressive.  They took him home earlier this week so he could pass away in peace and in the comfort of his own home, surrounded by the things he knew and people he loved.  He died two days after his parents brought him home.  Only 23 days after the brain tumor was found.

I have been sobbing reading it.  My heart is so heavy.  Everytime I wake up in the middle of the night I find myself thinking about that poor family and their poor baby.  I couldn't imagine going through something like that.  I couldn't imagine having to say goodbye so soon.  Life is just not fair.  The parents of children & babies of life threatening illnesses are stronger than I could ever imagine being.  I admire them for finding the strength for their children.  And my heart breaks for them for having to even face such horrible situations.

It makes me so thankful that Aaden is a happy, healthy boy.  He is throwing things now, putting himself to sleep for naps, standing, getting close to walking.  We're planning a vacation and his 1st Birthday party - not a funeral.

Our struggles and stresses are so trivial and so meniscule compared to what these families go through.   

Hearing about horrific stories like that really puts things into perspective for you and humbles you.  Teaches you to enjoy every moment and soak in all the world has to offer.  And it  makes you really appreciate eveything you have in your life - especially your perfectly beautiful son.

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