Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sweet ♥ Boy

I love this age when they are really starting to show affection.  They can make your heart melt in a second. 

This morning, I was standing in the kitchen and Aaden walks in, looks at me, takes his paci out, blows me a kiss, pops his paci back in and walks off.  It was too sweet.

I LOVE his little "muuaaah" sound his does when he blows kisses and how he puts his fist up to his mouth instead of the palm of his hand.

He also loves to give my knees kisses and sometimes even wants to kiss my toes (gross!).  And believe it or not, he's becoming a tiny bit more cuddly - he's learning how to give hugs and it's so sweet.

This boy has our hearts on a string ♥

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