Monday, January 14, 2013

3 Months

Addison is 3 months old!  She is sooo close to laughing but just hasn't gotten that giggle down yet.  I know it's in her because I've heard her do it in her sleep - I guess whatever she dreams of is much more entertaining than the goofy things we try to do to get her to laugh.  She is holding her head up a lot but not quite rolling yet but getting close enough to where I don't feel comfortable having her nap on the couch anymore.  She's more active now and loves her little play mat where she can look at the lights, kick along to the music and the best part - stare and coo at herself in the mirror.  She's also starting to grab at things like little toys.  She enjoys sitting up more now to check everything out so her swing has been perfect for that.

She started daycare last week.  She's doing great so far.  She is going to a lady named Joann that is right down the street from Aaden.  Louise doesn't have any openings until April so she suggested asking Joann.  Joann used to run daycare but is essentially retired now.  It's nice because it's only a few houses down from Louise's so we really only have one drop off and pick up still and I like that Addie has some one on one attention for the next couple of months.  Joann has given great reports saying that Addison is an awesome baby and that she's perfect.  :)  Addison loves the fan in Joann's living room - I'm sure she could be entertained by it all day!

Right at 12 weeks, Addison seemed to have hit a growth spurt.  She was fussy and wasn't sleeping well and then all of a sudden I noticed that she looked bigger.  She's in 3 month clothes and fills them out pretty good.  I don't think it'll be long before we're in 6 month clothes.  She's in size 2 diapers.  Not sure of her weight, I would guess 13-14lbs. She's still eating well and gets all breastmilk except for one formula bottle at night.  I have continued to work on my freezer stash - I think I have about 120oz in there now!  It's kind of addicting.  I just bought another pump to have at home so I don't have to haul my big one back and forth from work to home.  I think that even if I stop nursing/pumping at 6 months or so, it would be cool to try to give her at least one bottle of breastmilk a day for remaining 6 months so that she will have received breastmilk for the whole first year of her life.  We'll see how that goes though.      

First nap in her crib
Mommy & Addie on Mommy's first day back to work and Addison's first day of daycare
All ready to go to Joann's! 
My sweet girl  ~ 3 months 
Love her! 

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