Tuesday, January 15, 2013

To My Sweet Girl ~

I can't begin to tell you what a sweet baby you are.  You have melded into our lives and into our hearts with the blink of an eye.  The moment you were born, our little family already felt more complete.  And even though you're only 3 months old, it seems like you've been here all along. 

You are so so easy going, sweet and cuddly - it actually takes restraint to not want to just squeeze you or bite your cheeks!  I love the mornings that I get to cuddle with you.  Your smile can brighten the day in an instant and your coos are just heartmelting. 

I want you to know that even if there aren't as many blog posts about you or your baby book isn't as complete - it is not an indication of my love.  My love for you is strong - just as strong as it is for your brother - I just don't have as much time to spend doing these types of things because now there are two of you that need my love and attention throughout the day.  I'm so lucky to get to experience what it's like to have your heart double in size.  They say that when you have a second baby, you don't have to divide your love, it simply grows.  And it's so true.  You and your brother both make my heart burst with love - but the cool thing is, it's different love.  My love for each of you is unique - one is not stonger than the other - just catered differently to each of you.

I love you, Baby Girl.  I look forward to watching you grow and become your own person.  I can't wait for all of your firsts.  I can't wait to have my own best friend in my daughter like my mom & me.  I can't wait to see your and Aaden's bond grow.  I'm so lucky to have both of you.  A sweet boy and a precious girl - a million dollar combination.  And honestly, we do feel like we've won the lottery in both of you.

I love you, I love you, I love you


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