Tuesday, August 13, 2013

10 Months

10 Months
OH MY - we are in trouble iwth this girl! I'm actually a little scared! ;) She has one giant personality and is so sassy - we are not sure where she got it from!?  And she's so loud, when she's happy she yells - I can't believe she's the same sweet, quiet baby that she was a few months ago.  She's becoming this totally different little girl than we imagined she would be.  She's pretty hardheaded and feisty.  We've had to get on her a few times because she'll hit us in the face when she's excited.  Sometimes when we tell her "no!" she'll look at us and grin and go right back to what she was doing.  Oooh!  Stinker!  But she's so fun! She is such a goofball and she makes us laugh all the time.

She's changed so much this month- she's conquered some milestones.  On July 17th, she started to pull herself up to stand.  We found her in her crib, holding onto the railing, standing up.  Now we find her in there standing up all the time, screaming for us to come get her.  On July 21st, she started frog crawling which quickly turned into this funny inchworm crawling (which left a blood blister on her big toe) and on July 29th, she started officially crawling.  Now she's a champ and crawls really well.  Better than Aaden ever crawled with his dead man crawl.  In early August, she started pulling up on everything and she's getting really good at it.  Now she loves to play with bigger kid toys.  She really loves playing with Aaden's kitchen.  She now pretty much hates the jumperoo and exersaucer - 'don't tie me down, Mom!'  She is babbling and 'talking' a lot (and yelling). She says Mama, Baba and Dada but I haven't really counted them as her first words because she mostly just babbles them.  She also does a clicking sound with her tongue and if we click back at her she'll do it again and then we'll go back and forth clicking tongues at each other.

This girl loooves to eat.  She's doing really well with solids.  She loves blueberries and veggie burger patties and turkey meatballs and sweet potatoes. And she loves anything that her brother is eating - she snatches stuff off his plate all the time.  She still loves Mums and puffs too.  She also loves those little pouches of purees.  They have fun mixes of flavors and they are organic.

Her hair is filling in a little but still no teeth.  She has the most beautiful baby blues - they are almost crystal blue sometimes.
Grumpy sleeper
"Ack! I got caught!"
Standing like a big girl. 
She loves that truck book because it makes sounds.
Because our family is weird
How we eat around here, apparently ;)
Pulling up on her Zany Zoo
Look how proud and excited she is! LOL
Getting pics for her birthday invitation
Little ham!
And little crankpot
Love these pics of my Dad and Sissy
Just whippin' up a little something...
Meeting some of the October Moms
Tonantzin & Sitara, Sandra & Zoey, Me & Sissy, Alison & Keira
Addison and Sitara - they have the same birthday! 
 Being crazy
Antagonizing her brother 
10 Months!! 

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