Monday, April 14, 2014

18 Months

How did a year and a half go by so quickly?  I can't believe Addison is 18 months old.  She sure is coming into her little personality.  And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little terrified.  This girl is head strong!  She's very independent, knows what she wants, and can throw a tantrum with the best of them.  The crying tantrums really just started in the last few months and I'm so scared for ages 2 and 3!  Eek!  She's so much different than Aaden.

Addison is very talkative and LOVES to sing.  She seriously can carry/pick up on a tune really well! (Definitely didn't get that from me or Aaron).  She can sing parts of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (and even says "up above" at the right time and then makes a little diamond with her hands and also points to the stars), she sings the ABCs (well the tune of it, but you can hear her starting to make parts out like "LMNOP"), she loves singing B-I-N-G-O (it's her new replacement for ee-ii-ee-ii-oo), and I just caught her singing "Let it Go" from Frozen the other day complete with arm gestures and everything!  She is repeating more and more words, 'Aaden' being one and 'hot'.  She repeats so much, not just words, also phrases sort of.  It's hard to explain.  Like if Aaden says something she'll try to repeat it sometimes.  Especially if he's yelling something like "Let's Go Giants!" for example, she tries to repeat it with the same enthusiasm.  She can count, 'one, two, three, five'.  It's amazing how much Cynthia teaches her!

She loves to laugh, color, play in the sandbox with Bubby, and is obsessed with picking things up and making sure they go back in the right spot.  She also likes to take my hands and make me clap.

She is such a good eater, she has such a good appetite.  I think it helps that Cynthia feeds her really well.  They always have fresh, homemade food with lots of fruits and veggies.  The only thing she doesn't really like is avocados still.   She's so funny, if she sees you eating something she automatically opens her mouth wide and says "ahhh" like "I want some!" LOL.  Or she says "thank you" before giving her anything meaning she wants some.  She also signs "more" and "all done".

This girl is fearless, which also scares me. She climbs on everything. She loves the slide at daycare and the park and the little one at home which she goes down head first. And she is not shy, she actually walked into our neighbors house the other day!  Our hands are full with this one, but so are our hearts. Especially when she's being loving.  She does like to cuddle.  She looooves her Emmy and is quite the Daddy's girl too.  Although recently she's walking around the house saying "Mama, mama, mama" looking for me and wants to cuddle.  Love it.

She weighs 23.5lbs, is 32" and still only has about 3 1/2 teeth.  Her two bottom ones, a top one and the other top one is still trying to come in.  And her hair (which has a little curl in the back) is not quite long enough to do anything with.
Except give it a mohawk
Pie thief
Playing outside 
Coffee thief 
Cuddle bug 
My little dork 
Playing at the park 
Kissing Bubby's horse

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