Thursday, November 13, 2014

Nov 2014 updates

Just a few updates -
The Giants won the World Series AGAIN! 
These were our rally caps we put on during an 18 inning playoff game!
Addison got rid of paci on 11/11. She did pretty good. She threw a few fits but after a couple of days she stopped asking. I was ready to cave in the beginning with some of the screaming, crying tantrums. And it broke my heart to see her putting her fingers to her mouth in the middle of the night looking for it. But glad we stuck it out because she doesn't ask for it anymore.
We are transitioning her to her big girl bed. She has been sleeping with us pretty much since my Dad died.
She is starting to potty train. Mostly at Cynthia's though.
She loves copying her brother 
She loves Cynthia's and her and Tessa are two peas in a pod
She loves picking out her outfits herself.

Just whipping up some dinner

Safety first when cooking while naked

Enjoying the horses at the County Fair

She's a little silly

Brushing hair with a broom. Nice.

Typical Sunday night
Yeah, she hated this ride.

Have I mentioned this girl is a little crazy?
P.S. that was permanent marker and it took
months to get it out of her bellybutton

Still a monkey
She loves wearing tutu's and another fine example of her dressing herself.
Hangin with her friends
She's pretty stylish here
Sleeping in her big girl bed!
Cute post-bath mohawk
I said crazy, right? 

Aaden's BFFs are Eli, Devin and Livie. And Chase. Chase loves playing with Addie. He thinks she's the cutest thing since puppies. Addison is getting old enough to play with Claire which is cute since they are both into princesses and baby dolls. 
Aaden loves baseball, superheroes,Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Batman, playing Nerf guns, and wrestling. He's doing good in school. He can identify most letters and can count to 30 but does say "eleventeen" for seventeen. 
We wished he loved books as much as the iPad but we're working on it. 
He is such a good big brother.  He loves his sissy and loves taking care of her. She does the same to him. He was sad the other day at Emmy's and she went to the pantry and got him some rabbits (fruit snacks) and tried to hand them to him to cheer him up. It was adorable. 
We are having some trouble with his tantrums and him trying to get his way all the time. We are trying to be patient and explain to him that there are 3 other people in the house to consider. I'm pretty sure this is just normal 4 year old behavior but doesn't mean it's easy!  But for the most part he's an awesome kid and I love that he's old enough to have real conversations with now.  He's so fun to hang out with and to listen to how he views the world and answer all of his questions.
Getting his hearing tested
Our Billy Bob. 
Aaden is enjoying baking & cooking with me lately -
he got to enjoy one of the finer things of baking - licking the beater!
With Devin at the Fair
He loved this ride!
Rooting for our Giants!
Cutest Monkey Boy
Playing dress up with Devin at school
Fun at the whale park
4 years old
Be still, my heart.
Playing at Sunset Beach
His first short hair cut
Aaden has been to the movies numerous times but this was the first time we took him!
Big Hero 6 - great movie!
Trying some fresh coconut water

We are in our new house and it's nice. We like the extra room and love the neighborhood, the stairs are taking some getting used to though. Neither of us have ever lived in a two story house before. I'm glad we're getting the chance to try it out before deciding to buy a two story.

Other updates - I've been working nights (12 hour shifts in L&D) for over a year now. My schedule is killing me.  I'm having a hard time missing out on so much with my family and not having any sort of routine what-so-ever. It's giving me anxiety and has put me in quite the funk.  I just don't know that I'm cut out for shift work.  I may consider looking elsewhere after the new year but that kills me to think about because I love the girls I work with.  But what it's doing to me is not fair to my family or myself.
Time goes by so fast to miss out on these two being little!

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