Monday, February 28, 2011

At 6 months old...

Some facts about Aaden at 6 months old:
*He weighs 17 lbs and is about 25" long
*Wears size 6-9 month clothing and size 3 diapers
*No teeth yet but we keep expecting them to pop up any day now (although we have been for a few months)
*He can roll tummy to back but hasn't rolled back to tummy yet.
*Not crawling yet
*He can sit very well now and absolutely loves it!
*He's starting to reach out for me when he wants me to pick him's so darn cute!
*He can pick his pacifier up and put it back in his mouth on his own now - and he can get it in the right way (however, we've seen him sucking on it upside-down and it was both funny and sad at the same time)
*He eats every 3 hours or so.  Gets 3 bottles of formula a day and also is nursed or fed pumped breastmilk 3 times a day.  He also eats about 1 meal of solids a day (but I must admit, I'm not super consistent about feeding him solids).  So far he has tried sweet potatoes, squash (not a huge fan), carrots (loves!), oatmeal, and rice cereal.  He also tried a little bit of mashed up banana but I think the texture was too thick for him.  We'll revisit it soon.
*He sleeps about 10 hours a night (9pm-7am) waking up once at 5am to nurse.  He still sleeps in his bassinet in our room.  We were going to try to transition him to his crib around this time but then he got sick so I think we'll wait a while longer.
*He is starting to mimic sounds and tries to mimic mouth movements.  It's too cute to watch him trying to mimic mouth movements, you can just see his little wheels turning.  He concentrates so hard on your mouth when you talk and then a second later he tries to do the same.  It was hilarious watching him do this with my brother the other night.  He loves blowing raspberries and has now perfected it.  He does it for fun when he's happy but also does it when he's sad and crying (ti's kind of funny!).  Sometimes when he's crying he says "mamamamamama" or "bababababa".  I dont' think there is any meaning to them yet, they are just sounds he's learning.
*He goes to daycare 3 days a week and he really likes it.  There are three older boys and one older girl there.  Next week he will start going 4 days a week so Aaron can have a day at home to get some stuff done around the house. 
*Three words to describe Aaden so far...inquisitive, silly/funny, sweet

I am really happy that I've made it to my goal of nursing him for 6 months.  I don't plan on fully stopping any time too soon so I will actually surpass my goal!  I am starting to toy with the idea of making Aaden's baby food...which is crazy, I never thought I would but after reading some things on it sounds like something I would be interested in.  We'll see...

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