Monday, October 29, 2012

First Weeks

Our first night home (10/16) was hell.  Of course Addison didn't sleep and I tried everything to get her to sleep.  Tried the Snuggle Nest, the bassinet, cuddling, etc.  The apnea monitor went off twice but it was when she was being moved so I didn't know if they were false alarms or not. One of the times it went off it said her heart rate was low (the machine is calibrated to go off if it's below 70) so that had me worried.  I ended up taking her off of the monitor because it was causing me some major anxiety but then I had anxiety about taking her off of it.  I didn't know what to do? We moved out to the living room at about 2 or 3am to try to sleep but that didn't work either. I was nursing her every 1/2 hour to an hour to get her to fall asleep but as soon as I would put her down and she'd wake up screaming. At 530am, I broke down and gave her some formula and then she finally fell asleep in bed with me in my arms and she slept for 4 glorious hours.

We had an appointment with our PA, Marie Spencer today. She's great - she's also a Lactation Consultant so she helped out with breastfeeding a bit. She took Addison's heart rate and it was 120 - resting. That made me feel so much better. I told her about how the monitor gave me a lot of anxiety but she suggested keeping it on for a few more nights. We were referred to a pediatric cardiologist just to have Addison checked out. It is probably over the top but just an extra precaution since we still don't know what caused the apnea. Plus we wanted to get her heart rate checked out.

I know that I'll feel better getting her checked out. I'm having so much anxiety today and just crying at the drop of a hat. I'm so worried about how tonight is going to go. I'm worried about that dang monitor and how she's going to sleep. I'm so worried about how tonight is going to go. I'm worried about that dang monitor and how or if she's going to sleep. I'm worried about how the appt is going to go. In my heart of hearts, I feel like she's fine and healthy. I honestly feel like the 85 heart rate reading in the hospital may have been inaccurate. But I don't know? We'll find more out tomorrow. On top of all this other worry, I'm also worried and feeling guilty about Aaden even though he seems to be adjusting fine.

Addison & Big Brother
Addison slept so much better last night!  She slept in her bassinet with the monitor on.  I still didn't sleep well but I was at least more rested.  Addison had her first trip out of town today - My mom, Addison and I went to San Jose to the pediatric cardiologist.  We saw Dr. Lappen.  She was so awesome.  She took our history and reviewed my pregnancy and Addison's birth.  She said she thinks that maybe Addison was a bit sedated from the Benadryl I received during labor that maybe that attributed to her apnea episode.  They did an EKG and an echo.  Both were totally normal.  Dr. Lappen said that her heart rate does drop down into the 90s but it comes back up and she's not worried at all.  She suggested that it may be a vagal reflex from her cord being wrapped around her neck and possibly having some swelling in there.  She thinks that it will slowly start to come back up over the next few weeks.  But she gave her a clean bill of health.  What a relief!!  I felt so much better after seeing her and knowing that Addison was totally healthy.

We left there and ran some errands in San Jose.  Addison got to go to her first restaurant too.  Olive Garden - yum!  She was such a good baby all day - slept most of the time.  She seems like such a kick back baby so far.  Today was such a better day - my anxiety is tons better!

Addison at Olive Garden

Addison and I both slept great last night. She slept for 5 hours straight!!!!!! It was AWESOME. We went and saw Dr Yager today. Addison weighed 7lbs3oz. Up one ounce since being discharged. We talked to Dr Yager about how our appt went and he said he agrees with the cardiologist's assessment. He left it up to us if we wanted to continue to monitor Addison. He doesn't think it's necessary though. We decided to discontinue use because Aaron and I both feel that our little girl is healthy as can be. :)

Cute squishy baby
First little sleepy smile caught on camera!
Addison got to meet Uncle Brother and Kate today! Uncle wasn't able to come down right after she was born because he was sick. That night we walked to Knife and Fork from Emmy and Papa's house. It was her first time in the Ergo - she did great and slept the whole time. We had an earthquake that night - 5.3!
 Snoozin' in the Ergo 
Addie had her first bath and she HATED it. She screamed pretty much the whole time. But it must have wore her out because she slept for 7 hours straight that night!!!
Lost her umbilical cord!

Today Addie got to meet some of our best friends, the Muenzers ♥
Alivia & Aaden with their cool new big sister and big brother backpacks 
 Our Babes
 Cianna, Alivia, Aaden & Addison
 Both sets of our kids are 6 weeks apart :)
 Aaden loves Cianna!
Cianna - 8 weeks, Addison - 2 weeks
We went to Colton's birthday party. Again, Addison slept most of the time. Aaden had fun running around and playing with the big kids and jumping in the bounce house.
Juggling two new babies -
Cianna and Addison

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