Monday, March 7, 2011

Baby Food

Tonight Aaden tried pears for the first time.  I think he really liked them!  I mixed them with oatmeal to thicken them up a little.  I have nixed the idea of making his baby food, with Aaron and I on opposite schedules, it's just too hard to find the time.  I may revisit the idea later but for now we are just going to stick with buying him organic jar baby food (which actually may be better since we don't always buy organic vegetables for ourselves).  And, the convenience of jar food is a plus too. 
I am getting better at feeding him solids more consistently.  I have realized that one of the reasons I've been inconsistent with them is because it's just so messy.  I think part of the reason it's so messy is because the food is too thin which is why I've decided to mix it with cereal or oatmeal to make it a little thicker and hopefully not so messy!

Here's the food we are using now:

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