Monday, March 14, 2011


Aaden started sleeping in his crib over the weekend.  He slept in there on Saturday night and again last night.  He's sleeping great but I am not.  I keep checking the monitor to make sure it's working and to make sure it's turned up loud enough and if I don't hear him for a few hours I kind of freak out.  This is kind of a hard feels so weird having him so far away.  He's just a tiny baby in a huge crib and room all by himself.  I know that moving him to his own room is something that needs to be done, I just didn't expect it to be so hard.  I know it will get easier and in the long run I'll be happy that we're tranistioning him now and not later but I think it will just take some time to get used to him not being in our room.
Both nights he went to bed around 10 or so and only woke up once each night for his pacifier.  He slept until about 6:00 both mornings when he woke up to eat.  At that time we just brought him into bed with us and he nursed and then went back to sleep for a while.
It is actually going better than I hoped and I hope tonight goes just as well.  And hopefully it will start getting easier for me because Aaden doesn't seem to have too big of a problem with sleeping in his crib!

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