Monday, December 26, 2011


Aaden loved Christmas this year.  He still doesn't get what Christmas is all about but he is starting to get the gist of what presents are.  I think he likes the act of actually opening the presents more than finding what's inside the wrapping.  He has fun ripping the paper and pulling tissue out of bags.  That being said, there were a few gifts that were opened that he got really excited about - even did the beyond excited, "oooooOOoooh!" at some points!  I love when he does that - it's the happiest sound ever and fills me with joy.

We planned on staying at my Mom & Kenny's on Christmas Eve so Santa came to our house early on Christmas Eve Day and delivered Aaden's play kitchen while he was napping.  When he woke up, we showed it to him and he was excited but not nearly as excited as the play food that came with it!  I got some great videos of him and his reactions to the kitchen and the food.

His new Kidkraft Red Vintage Kitchen!
Great job, Santa!

In the evening we all went with my Dad over to Fisher's house for a bit and there was a 2 month old baby there - Aaden loved him.  He kept offering his blanket to him which really melted everyone's hearts.  After Fisher's we drove to San Juan to go to the Pagaran's for a little while.  Again, Aaden was the center of attention and everyone loved him.  We wrapped up the evening at Aunt Krissie and Uncle Danny's where Aaden had an absolute blast dancing naked in the living room while getting changed into pjs - everyone was cracking up!  We drove to Mom and Kenny's and watched a movie and then called it a night.

Aaden did not sleep well that night so morning came all too soon.  But it's alright - we were excited for Christmas!  Santa came to Emmy and Papa's overnight (maybe that's why he didn't sleep well ;) ) and left some great gifts for Aaden!  He got a great table and chairs set and some blocks and a toy drum.  We opened stockings and then moved on to presents.  Aaden took a long time to get through presents because he was busy playing with everything that he opened.  I don't think he realized quite how many presents he had to open (and actually, he was still opening some a few days later because he never got through all of them that morning!).  From Emmy& Papa he got a Wheelies set, clothes, books (a couple Matthew Van Fleet ones!), some play food and his favorite - some pots and pans for his kitchen that make boiling noises and light up.  He played with those forever!  From Uncle Brother he got a Fisher Price Little People Safari Jeep that he really likes and some super cute Woody (from Toy Story) pajamas.  We got him books, puzzles, clothes & a drawing pad with crayons. 
Sitting at his new table playing with his stocking stuffers
 Playing with his Wheelies
Opening his Safari Jeep from Uncle Brother
  (Love the nappy hair!)
 Takin' a break to eat some cheerios
Being a goofball
Christmas is exhausting!
Yep, sleepy boy.
Aaden took a nap while Kenny made breakfast and we all enjoyed some mimosas and opening the rest of our gifts.  It was such a relaxing morning - it was perfect!  When Aaden woke up he was ready for some good breakfast -
Enjoying breakfast at his new table.
I am not sure where his other sock went?
Breakfast with Clifford
After more bummin' around hangin' out and playing with new toys, Gam and Cory came over for a little while.  Gam got Aaden the whole box collection of Beatrix Potter - it has about 20 books in it.  So awesome!  After they left, we popped the lasagnas in the oven and played Bingo for Bucks.  It was so fun!  Aaden was having a blast helping Emmy pull the balls out and put them in the tray.  After Bingo, Aaden and I both took naps - which were much needed!  We had a lovely dinner and then got ready to go to the Waller's to hang with the rest of the family.
We played Bingo again at the Waller's and one of Nikki's girls, Noel, was calling numbers - Aaden kept yelling out right after she did - it was hilarious! Everyone was getting a kick out of him.  He was just being so silly that night!  It truly was a great Christmas! 
Pictures from the rest of the night:
With Uncle Brother

Our sweet boy all dressed up!
 Aaden waaaay over there with Santa
 (Aaron was the photographer, we'll just leave it at that)
 Mommy helping Aaden open his present from Santa.
More Wheelies! Yay!
Trying to pose with Emmy and Santa -
nope, won't have anything to do with it!
  Aaden and Thomas
Gam's oldest great-grandson and youngest great-grandson
Pictures like these are ones I cherish ~
Gam & Aaden
I wish this wasn't so grainy -
Aaden in his Woody pajamas!
Aaden & Emmy
Aaden & Papa

♥ Merry Christmas!!♥


  1. Cute post! Lauren was enjoying the pictures of Aaden until she saw Fee Fee (Clifford), then she went bonkers! She sure loves Clifford. That was such a great birthday gift (along with the towel and books and movie!)

  2. The kitchen looks awesome!! Nice work Santa!
