Sunday, December 18, 2011

Fahy Christmas 2011

Fahy Christmas was up in Martinez this year at my cousin Brigid's house.  Aaden did great in the car and slept pretty much the whole way up there.  When we first got there he was a little shy around the adults and older cousins.  But he started to open up as time passed.  A little later some younger kids came  (between ages 3-13) and we got to see just how much Aaden loves them (other kids).  He turns into a whole new person trying to show off in front of them and he's always so interested in what they are doing.  With these kids, he was going up to them and in the sweetest voice saying, "Aye"  (his way of saying "hi"), dancing, running back and forth, throwing his blankie in the air, handing his blankie to them and my favorite, trying to push the couch to impress them with his strength.  It was hysterical!  And sooo cute!  There were some points that I felt sorry for him though because he wants SOO much to be a part of them and to entertain them and sometimes they were too busy doing other things than to entertain a 1 y/o.  I don't think Aaden really noticed that he was being brushed off though so it's all fine - just a stupid little thing that would only pang a mother's heart.
Aaden did great with Pappy dressed as Santa.  He actually grabbed the gifts as Santa was handing them to him and even opened them himself.  He loved his wooden train from Santa and his John Deere tractor from Pappy!  He played with them for a bit, making "vroom" noises the whole time.

Pappy also got him some overalls with a cute long sleeve onesie that has trucks and trains and planes all over it.  Perfect for Aaden!  All-in-all it was a good day and I'm glad we made the trip up there.  We got to visit with a lot of family that we don't get to see very often.

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